renovate #6

root merged 1 commits from renovate into master 2024-07-25 13:09:49 +00:00



  • ^9.1.1 => ^9.1.2 (dvf)

Show a message instead of automatically removing deprecated code.

This only concerns projects that still have the following code in their hooks:

- #!/usr/bin/env sh # <- This is deprecated, remove it
- . "$(dirname -- "$0")/_/"  # <- This is deprecated, remove it
# Rest of your hook code

Hooks with these lines will fail in v10.0.0

<h1>npm</h1> <h2>husky</h2> <ul> <li> ^9.1.1 => ^9.1.2 (dvf)</li> </ul> > <p>Show a message instead of automatically removing deprecated code.</p> > <p>This only concerns projects that still have the following code in their hooks:</p> > <pre><code class="language-diff">- #!/usr/bin/env sh # &lt;- This is deprecated, remove it > - . &quot;$(dirname -- &quot;$0&quot;)/_/; # &lt;- This is deprecated, remove it > # Rest of your hook code > </code></pre> > <p><strong>Hooks with these lines will fail in <code>v10.0.0</code></strong></p>
m.schnitzler added 1 commit 2024-07-25 13:08:50 +00:00
root merged commit b448727536 into master 2024-07-25 13:09:48 +00:00
root referenced this issue from a commit 2024-07-25 13:09:54 +00:00
root deleted branch renovate 2024-07-25 13:10:01 +00:00
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Reference: root/dvf#6
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